We are ISO9001 and ISO27001 certified!

Information security is more important and current than ever. And to show that we at DevRepublic take safety and quality seriously, we started working with ISO9001 and ISO27001. By obtaining our certificates, we have demonstrated that our services meet the standards set by ISO in the field of security, privacy and quality.

ISO27001 is the international standard for information security that describes how we process information security. The aim is to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information. ISO9001 is the standard that sets requirements for the quality management system.


For our customers, obtaining our certifications means that we have taken technical and organizational measures that guarantee the availability, integrity, confidentiality and protection of information with quality assurance. We also comply with the requirements of the GDPR and apply the lessons and experiences of our certification process in our services. This makes us a reliable partner in the field of information security.

Now that the certifications have been achieved, we are not sitting back. Security, privacy and quality is a continuous process that is always monitored and can be improved. All tasks and to dos are secured in our JIRA board. We use this to check whether the policy is properly applied and if there is an incident, we follow the procedures and improve the policy where necessary. In addition, an annual control audit takes place to check whether our policy (GMS/ISMS) meets the standards and whether we implement our improvements.

Do you want to view the ISO certificates, the declaration of applicability or the policy? Or do you have a question about our information security? Please contact us.


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