This is how we help you

Stuur jouw eigen ontwikkelteam aan

Manage your own development team

Instantly have an Agile team of highly trained software developers and testers. You can easily scale up and down. You have control over the development team.

Wij sturen jouw ontwikkelteam aan

We manage your development team

You can also leave the management of your team to us. Our colleagues in Zwolle take care of communication and project management. Your software development is in good hands with us.

Jouw eigen IT project uitbesteden

Outsource your own IT project

We can carry out your project from start to finish. We have a great deal of experience with developing various applications and tailor-made processes.

Success Stories



De leukste kopieer- en printwinkel in hartje Utrecht. Vanwege de digitalisering van informatie hebben wij ons steeds aan nieuwe ontwikkelingen aangepast en samen met DevRepublic een nieuwe website gebouwd. Kopiëren maakt nu nog maar ee…



𝐋𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐚 is the next generation dating app with which the perfect match can be found via Bluetooth and GPS. These matches are automatically found on the basis of the set search profile and the active fliradar. For a range at …



Openr has enlisted the help of DevRepublic to contribute to the Openr platform and apps. The migration of the entire platform from VPS to Heroku has started. In addition, a team of developers is working on the platform of the app, the …



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